Monday, April 29, 2013

Gaming on a Budget

Now, serious gamers will skim over this post because they have preconceived notions that free computer games, are crap.  These beliefs aren't unfounded, as is true for most things without a commercial incentive, they usually suck.  I by no means condone casual gaming.
        However, there are a number of RPGs and MOBAs online that are as extensive and and well maintained as any free game on the market.  The most notable would be League of Legends.
        League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena, which is heavily dependent on strategy, and competitive, adrenaline driven young males.  Recently League of Legends has become the most played PC game in the World, with 1.3 billion hours logged globally.  Part of the reason it is so popular is because its E-Sport backing, its challenging nature, and its whopping price of 0:00, but mostly I believe it is popular because Riot Games is so interactive with its fan base and responds so quickly to player requests.
       There are a number of other free MOBAs, some such as DOTA that, although more difficult, are arguably just good as League of Legends.  Recently I tried Smite, which although it was a unique experience,being set in a second person viewpoint, did not nearly hold up in quality when compared with the League.
       League of Legends is a community.  The diverse array of champions, the meticulous care Riot spends in making sure each champions is balanced, the competitive drive which players make apparent in their play style, the professionals that set examples for people learning the ropes of League, all add to the game's appeal.  And best of all, it is completely free.

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