Monday, June 17, 2013

Movie Review: This is The End

Because I've decided to do more reviews about more of the things I indulge in, I'm going to start with the movie I saw just yesterday:  This is The End.
      After watching the movie, and enjoying it the whole time, and leaving a little shocked, I went home with my friend and we looked up reviews to see what other people thought of it.  The best one I found summed up the movie as "One long, hilarious sketch."  This is a perfect description.
      This movie, if you have any sense of humor, will have you laughing out loud throughout, it was well written and the acting was stellar (as you'd expect with phenomenal comedy cast).  However, if you were hoping to see lots of Emma Watson or Rihanna or Aziz Ansari or Kevin Hart who strategically get face time in the trailer, you will be disappointed, they have very small parts in the actual movie.  Also, although the plot had a great premise, it was INCREDIBLY predictable.  Thankfully, since it was a comedy and not a suspense movie this factor wasn't so important, but don't expect any twist endings.
      The ending itself was a little disappointing, preachy and a bit disturbing.  First of all it wasn't surprising, and now i'm convinced actors are the worst people on the world, and SPOILER ALERT (watching people being eaten by other people isn't that funny,although it helps connect the end of the movie to the beginning a little humorously).              

So overall rating:  eight out of ten.  I'd recommend it if you like to laugh.

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